Saturday, May 7, 2011


memento im going to have to say that this was one of the most confusing movies i have ever watched.  i did enjoy watching this movie - it is different, the way it is set up how we dont find out what really happens or what things really mean.  the viewer sees one thing and realizes its the complete opposite, you dont know who to trust or what to believe.  although the movie was not a horror it was suspenseful and it left me wanting more.  i found it interesting how all the peices matched up and how at the end of the movie, you are as understanding as you are confused.  

i understand how this is an existentialist film... leonard needs a reason to live 

-let's be honest... would you want to live a life like that ?  i wouldn't.  i think the pain of loosing someone you love is the worst thing in the world but to live with the memory of how it happened and the terrible way that it happened for leonard- omg i couldn't even imagine- its just so terrible!-

i still dont no who to believe... i want to believe leonard and believe that leonard is the good guy and teddy is the bad guy ... maybe because the viewer was taught to believe that the whole entire movie.  i still want to believe that the wife died and  natalie was really trying to help him and teddy was the bad guy, and leonard's life was really worth something to live for.  i want to believe the story that leonard portrayed his life to be during the whole movie.  i obviously don't but i want to - you know?

leonard continued to look for guys to kill because he was looking for a reason to live.  if he wasn't looking for his wife's killer (that he already killed) then he would have no reason to live.  y would he want to live? he's miserable because his last memory is of his wife dying (which didn't even happen?? i have no idea... kinda) he never understands anything- where his is, who he is, who he knows, what he knows, how he knows what he knows- he lives his day to day dependent on paper, pen, and polarized pictures - in a way, not to be mean, its pathetic, i feel bad for him, how do u live????.... you don't! that's why he is finding a purpose!

leonard is asked several times throughout the movie... why is he living? what is he going to do after he kills this guy? what does he live for? is what he living for worth dying for? --- all existential questions.  about life and the purpose-  

not once is god/religion mentioned in the movie.  neither is destiny or faith.   

i don't know what else to say without repeating myself - i found this movies extremely interesting.  it was different - confusing yet it made sense... long but worth it.... brain teasing yet enjoyable....  i like how i could clearly understand the correlation with existentialism....

i like how i  used the information from class and all my knowledge of existentialism to understand the meaning and significance of the movie and the words/symbols.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Existentialism   - i find this topic extremely interesting.  it makes me think of life and the meaning of life in a different way.


~i always felt that i had a purpose and my reason for living was to find that purpose and live to fulfill that purpose - if that makes any sense~

the movie I watched was: one flew over the cuckoos nest 



im guessing the movie is an existentialist film because the men find their passion and themselves back when mcmurphy comes into the ward.  they find their meaning/purpose of life, they begin to understand that they are living for a reason - to have fun and get better ... Not to be tortured and demasculated by the nurse. 

             the men find it in themslves to make their life worth something; even if it is as little as speaking up for themselves against the nurse. 

a movie that I watched that wasn't intended for this assignment was
the invention of lying - I watched it last year and when we bought it
up in class I remembered how the guy invented lying (obviously) and he
helped his community .. Although there was chaos he somehow found a way
to succeed in his life and give an incentive for his community to do
better in their lives.
In both movies there were miserable people who found what they wanted - stuck to their guns
and went with it - no matter what the consequences. In both movies people were unhappy and they changed that - they found something worth living for.
I didn't really like either of the movies but I like what they represented.