Tuesday, March 22, 2011

chris brown-a rolemodel or an egotisical wanna-be (blog nummer seks)

hi =)

this blog is about chris brown and his unnecessary outburst on good morning america this morning (3.22.11)

-for those of you who dont know what happened ill explain to you in my own words

... bianca's own words ...   chris brown's new ablum "f.a.m.e." was recently released.  he went on good morning america (gma), obviously to promote his album, and was inevitably questioned about his violent encounter with rihanna in 2009. [ for those of you who live under a rock, chris brown and rihanna are singers who had a relationship for a year or so.  it ended violently with the physical abuse of rihanna from brown's anger problems. ]  he, in my opinion, rudely answered robins questions and was obnoxious throughout the duration of the interview, adamatley pushing the album and dodging questions about rihanna.  when the interview was over, he went to his dressing room and punched the glass window (which was on the 1st floor in the city no less so glass got all over workers passing by because he is inconsiderate) and ripped his shirt off.  he left the scene before security showed.

*in my opinion*  chris brown is a wanna-be!  i feel his cockiness and desire for acceptance and attention is turing him into an obnoxious arrogant little boy.  i think that because of what other rappers and artists are doing and how they act, it influences chris brown to act the same way, little boys follow others not men. the more songs he does with other rappers, the more of a nuisance he becomes.  i think he's fake- that interview is annoying to watch because his phoniness is so real (if that makes any sense and yes i know i sound like holden).  the fact that his hair is bleached blond like a member of the boyband n'sync from 12 years ago is distracting, again...fake.  a lot of rappers have tattoos so he gets 2 sleeves and a chest tattoo. FOLLOWER! followers annoy me!  the sad part is is that he is a role model to so many boys want to be him, kids look up to him- where do u go off thinking it's ok to hit people (your girlfriend especially), punch and break windows (that aren't even yours to began with (and the fact he left the crime scene without apologizing is pathetic)), and being rude and obnoxious on national television?  since when is that ok?  what because he's chris brown? who is he? that is disgusting behavior and this is what we show young society today? that doing unethical things is ok?  that rich and famous people can do what they want and in turn get more publicity, which benefits them? (even thought this is giving more publicity i am doing this to inform not add on to the press)

http://www.popeater.com/2011/03/22/chris-brown-gma-interview/  (this link provides you with a link to his gma interview with robin and a synopsis of the interview gone violent).

http://wonderwall.msn.com/music/chris-brown-reportedly-throws-violent-hissy-fit-over-rihanna-questions-1610438.story   (this link is also a description of his anger due to the interview and some information of the incident with rihanna that happened 2 years ago)

http://gossipcenter.com/chris-brown/chris-browns-window-breaking-gma-visit-490099   (thi slink shows more information on the interview and a picture of chris sweating (from anger) with his shirt off and also a picture of the shattered window.)

http://www.tmz.com/2011/03/22/chris-brown-gma-good-morning-america-rihanna-robin-roberts-violent-outburst-smash-shirt-hair-and-makeup-glass/  (another link that shows the damage done to the building and chris' not caring (stuck his tongue out))

http://content.usatoday.com/communities/entertainment/post/2011/03/chris-brown-gets-ticked-off-at-good-morning-america/1?csp=34life  (and to top it all off- this link explains that after the incident he was smiles walking into an art gallery, which shows he has no remorse for the way he acted and doesn't even care.)

> this reminded me of the incident with mila kunis during the oscars that ms.seltzer was speaking to us about.  mila kunis did not want to be remembered for her lesbian part in black swan just like chris brown doesn't want to be remembered as the woman beater but TOO BAD!  mila kunis probably will be remembered for the amazing job she did in black swan and many other things because she is a well known actress who has done an amazing job in all her roles AND chris brown will be known for being a woman beater and a person who is in desperate need of anger management or some other type of therapy (not that anger managment or therapy is bad (no offense to those who go))becuase that is who he is.  you want to act like an animal then you will be remembered as an animal!<

BTW... Holden is the main character from the novel the catcher int the rye by j.d. salinger - read it!

Holden uses the word "phony" to describe his feelings towards people he feels are fake.  hence the reason i used it

BASICALLY i don't like chris brown because he acts like an animal and the message he sends out to society is "i do what i want and i don't care about who it effects" -  when your a role model and always in the public eye you must carry yourself with dignity and respect.  he has no class and i feel that not only is he bringing society down but he brings humanities down,,,, he contributes a negative outlook on music and the media.

thank you


  1. I agree with this blog. I do think Chris Brown is immature and extremely obnoxious. He is always in the public eye and he shows that in order to be "cool" you must follow what other people do and thinking you are tough by hitting girls when your really immature and a nothing! AND he was extremely rude to Robin!

  2. I don't like Chris Brown and that's why I chose to read this blog. I never liked him or his songs and honestly i don't even think he's that good looking as most girls seem to OBSESS over. My dislike towards him seem to increase GREATLY after the Rihanna incident and now that I read what he did on the interview now the level of dislike for him shot through the roof. He's rude, disrespectful and 100% ignorant as you said. He is a role model to so many people and he should feel ashamed by the way he acted and probably will continue to act. He should be embarassed and i agree with your blog 100000049234%.... =]

  3. I love this blog. He's so cocky and it truly annoys me! As you said, he should be a role model but with these actions, what kind of role model is he being? Not a very good one. These celebritites really annoy me thinking that they can do whatever they want.
