Tuesday, April 5, 2011

tattoooooooooooooooos! ( Blog số 8)

well hello...

this blog is about (dot dot dot)  tattoos!

before i go on with the history and the significance about tattoos i have a few words

bianca's few words::     i love tattoos.  in my opinion tattoos are a way of self- expression.  i truely believe tattooing is an art form because people create masterpieces on other human being's body and i think that is so awesome.  i think that some tattoos are pointless, yes, but most have significance and meaning and emotion behind them and i think it is admirable for someone to carry that around with them for the rest of their lives.  yes some tattoos are just for the hell of it and i think those are cool too, in life not everything has to make sense or needs meaning or reasoning behind it... if you want something do it what the hell?? you live once!!! =D    

as you see in the above picture, tattooing is used for taboo and different cultures around the world.
(most common on the face)

did you know?????  in japan having a tattoo means you are involved in organized crime.  in the russian culture tattoos are a big part of the mafia. 

religion ~ now i know better than to talk about this topic but....
in the mormon, christian, jewish, and islamic religion, tattooing is not allowed (frown upon, forbidden, discouraged).  

however, in the islamic culture many north-african islams use henna as a way to show prints on their body for many occassions.  (i think it is so cool and i love when they do it for weddings because it looks so pretty.)
fun fact!   because tattooing requires the breaking of the fermis or the skin, it leaves room for infection and allergic reactions.  many tattoo artists are required by jurisdiction to have training on blood- borne pathogens - like the red cross

tattoos are used for other things rather than for culture and pleasure (or decorative purposes).  they are used for "permanent make-up" and medically to make sure appliances or other things are added to the appropriate place.  tattoos are also used for identification ( nazi germany used tattoos for the identification of jews) tattoos nowadays are only used for identification when it comes to animals   

important to remember!!! tattoos are more expensive and more painful to remove then to apply! make sure you make the right choice!!!

ok so back to me =)

i think tattoos are a great part of humanities.  an activity that was strictly for culture and custom is now one of the biggest art forms around!  lets face it more and more people are getting tattoos- celebrities have them all over, the traditional business woman has one hiding somewhere underneath her work clothes, all the kids want one! i love them and you know someone who loves them if not then you do!  it is a way of expressing one's self through their body.  a print that is there forever that will represent you and what you want in life or a stage that you went through in life.  there are tattoo artists- people that specialize in this field that effect the lives of americans and people all around the globe everyday because of their major
  contribution to society and to humanities.  tattoos have grow and expanded just as much as people and different cultures and it is yet another way for art to grow and have an effect of people.

here are the weeks hottest spots in new york city  http://www.citysbest.com/new-york-city/lifestyle/best-tattoos-piercing/

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